Test 6 conducted by the CSIRO Department of Fire Safety Engineering.
Melbourne, Australia.
Test 6 was conducted inside the room enclosure. The test was on a new intact mattress (Specimen FE2715a). The mattress had a grey Natritex fiber based lining and pink polyurethane foam. The mattress was placed in the rear right hand room corner. The mattress was folded in half and wedged between the wall and a steel frame to form an arch shape with a 1000 mm gap between the base of the arch. The crib was placed against the right had side of the mattress beneath the arch at floor level. The crib size was determined by an assessment of ignition sources available within a typical prison cell.
As evident in the above image the testing crib used by the CSIRO is considerably larger. The surface area is 6 times larger than crib 7 and 24 times larger then crib 5.
The image above shows the configuration of the testing room for test 6.
Fire is fully developed at 3min and 5s into the test highlighting the low smoke emission from the mattress.
Observations from test 6 preformed by the CSIRO.
Natritex Fireguard III Mattresses met all the requirements for very high hazard and high hazard ratings and are recommended for use in off shore installations, hotels, hostels, nursing homes, hospital wards, prison cells and locked psychiatric accommodation.
Natritex Fireguard III Mattresses pass the most stringent assessment for resistance to ignition of mattresses, divans and bed bases BS7177 – Flame Source 7. Please contact Enviro-Foam for additional information and scientific testing.
Test Start – Crib ignited on three sides then positioned at floor level against the right hand side of the mattress beneath arch.
The room exhaust fan activated.
The crib is fully alight.
Room video camera turned on. The crib fire is fully developed, HRR is approximately 22 kW. No significant ignition or flame spread on the mattress is observed.
The crib has burnt out. No flaming from the mattress is observed.
End the test.
Mattress weight before and after testing.
Mass before test (kg) 6.99
Mass after test (kg) 6.91
Mass consumed (kg) 0.08
Compression Test
Compression testing to 25% of the mattress thickness 200,000 times, highlighting the stretch in the fabric. This is equivalent to sitting on the mattress 30 times a day for 18 years, the inner foam core was still within new foam hardness specifications the fabric and seam had no visible damage.
CSIRO Comparison of Natritex Fireguard III Mattress
Product on the left is a High-Tec PVC coated barrier fabric which passes BS7177 and the product on the right is Natritex Fireguard III in Test 5 and Test 6 conducted by the CSIRO.